Finding scholarly book reviews and book chapters using lion search is pretty straightforward. Simply type in the search terms of your topic into the search box. Once your results screen shows, limit your search by scholarly and peer reviewed articles, and then under content-type, by book reviews.

Let's scroll down the page and look for the article titled Are We Asking the Right Questions About Poverty in America? You must look at the preview of that particular article. You'll notice that this particular article comes from a journal called Social Services Review. And in the middle of the page, you'll see what databases this particular article was pulled from. These are scholarly databases that we'll talk about later when we're looking for scholarly literature, sociological abstracts and social science citation index, are pretty core databases within your disciplinary area.

The other thing that I want to point out, is the DOI that provides you a link to the journal that this article came from, social services review. If you want to explore information about this particular journal, you can look at the editorial board. And It gives you some evaluation of what this journal is, whether or not it is scholarly in nature, although we identified that through the facets. It gives you some idea of the credibility of the source that you're actually reading.

The other thing that I want to point out, as you look at the short abstract about this particular review, is what books it's reviewing. You'll notice it's actually reviewing three books. Poverty in America, a handbook by Penn State's John Iceland, it's also reviewing Legacies of War on Poverty. And The Underserving Poor America's Enduring Confrontation with Poverty. What might come to your mind, is you simply want to be able to access those books.

It's pretty easy. By simply copy and pasting the title of that book into your search, and clearing all of your filters from your previous search, all you need to do is simply click on book. And you'll notice that it's actually the first link in your results screen. You can access the hard copy of this by clicking on the I want it, and making sure that you choose location world campus to request this book.

Or you can actually see this book online through this link, that will take you through a get it feature to get full text access to this particular book. As I stated, sometimes it can be really good to simply read the introduction to a book of this magnitude, and it will give you great background information for your topic. Another thing I want to point out while we're here, is we can take this facet off of book, and you'll notice there are actually 13 other book reviews on this particular book.

And this will allow you to see other reviews that have been written about this book, and you can access, again, each one of those reviews by clicking on this link. And you can see the full text here, or the first one. It may end up taking you into a different resources to access that particular review article. While we're here, I want to show you how to simply do that same search for poverty rates. And this time we're going to select book chapters, and apply our filter.

And you can use some of the same features of previewing and accessing the full text of that book, by simply identifying what book this particular article's taken from. So you can see it actually comes from the title called a OECD fact book. One other thing that I want to point out is the fact that these articles, like other databases, they provide you with easy mechanisms for citing. So you can see here, if you want to choose APA format, you simply copy and paste.

In the case of the full text book, if I go back to where that linked out to the book, you can also look for some setting within that provides you with a way to cite that book. I'm going to select APA format, again just copy and paste this into your Word document.